Tag Archives: Featured

Spirit Center Art Creations

Well, the results are in and the contest is over. In the future I think we want to move away from “contests” and more into “co-creations” and stuff. But hey, we’re learning, and we’ve got some incredible art to share with you!! Check out the gallery below! Beneath the gallery are the winners of the contest. The top 3 paintings will receive Panic to Freedom and the full access to the evolving Spirit Science Book as it grows!

The Top 3 Paintings are 
Ancient Understanding by Emily-Arnold
Click to see the full painting on Newgrounds
Light Station by Leah Praytor
Click to see the original upload
And Spirit Center by OliverZen
Click to see the original on Newgrounds

Spirit Science ~ Mars Retrograde in Libra

One thing I just found out which totally took me by suprise, is that not only did Mars Retrograde start on March 1st, but Saturn Retrograde started on March 2nd! Ahh!!! What is happening?!

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Okay, we’ll do Mars in Libra first, and then Saturn Below :)

Mars Retrograde

March 1st to May 19th – 2014

One thing that I didn’t talk about in this video is that Mars is in the house of Libra, and so essentially like doing cosmic mathematics, you can fractal that planet with the vibration of what libra represents, and you can look and see your reflection in that coupling.

libraLibra is all about balance. It’s not so much the specific trait but the characteristics and energy of balance. The scales are meant to represent not only weight, but value. Recognizing what you value going through Mars Retrograde is a symbol to recognize deeper, emotional meaning behind your male-driven actions.

You might be surprised about what you find :) Continue reading

Spirit Science 6 ~ The Flower of Life

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Hidden deep within our past, lies a secret that has been long forgotten. There have been various organizations throughout history that have protected its secret, The Masons for example have done just that. What are we talking about?  It’s the ancient secret of the Flower of Life.

The Flower of Life is one of the fundamental geometries that consciousness creates through. Please understand that Consciousness itself is not the Flower of Life, but rather, the means by which it creates.

With the awareness of what these geometries mean, we can recognize that our bodies too are manifested from this most basic pattern, and that we are the creators that made us this way. Everyone, everything is connected, and when you can see it in you… You see it everywhere.

If you’d like to learn more about the Flower of Life and Sacred Geometry, please check out this advanced course that I recently put together. It’s a free article with an immense amount of information all about the flower of life.

~ ~ ~

crystaltypesI’d like to share another resource with you today which rocked my world and completely changed my life.  In fact, it is THE BOOK that most of Season 1 of spirit science was based on, and the greatest resource i have found to date with all of this information. I’ve probably told you about it a thousand times before, but I’m doing it again because it’s such an incredible book.

It’s called “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”, and it’s insights are valuable and mind-blowing. I highly recommend it, you’ll never read another book like it.

Through this book, Drunvalo Melchizidek chronicles his experiences through the past 50 years of his life researching consciousness, ancient civilizations, ET’s, hidden technologies, and the human energy field known as the Merkaba.

In addition to that, he also shares his understanding of how to cultivate the human energy field in a state of awareness to become more aware, more conscious, and grow even more as a being. You can tell I really love this book, I talk about it constantly! :P


Links and Sources

The Flower of Life Vol. 1

Dolphins Demonstrate the Flower of Life in action

A Spirit Science advanced Course on Sacred Geometry

Nassim Haramein – Sacred Geometry and Unified Fields

Human History Movie in Review… 2 Years Later

It’s been 2 years since i sat down to animate the Human History Movie… in fact, originally it wasn’t even a movie. It started as a 5 part SS lesson, each week going further into the story.

The ending of the 5th video coincided with the start of my journey around the world, a pretty good end to a season finale, if i do say so myself.

It wasn’t until maybe 8 months later when my friend Andrew Golden downloaded all of the Human History videos, and edited them together into a full length movie! Which is seriously amazing, it’s because of him that the movie even exists, and to this day i can’t thank him enough.

HHmovie1 Continue reading

Spirit Science 22_2 ~ Cycles N’ Sine Waves

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Believe it or not, the original script for this was written waaaayy back over a year ago. What sparked the inspiration was meeting two of my biggest inspirations. My friends Michael Evans, and Ray Kamille, through which I learned so much about the flow, light, waves, and how they relate to our experiences here on 3D, that I wrote a draft for this! Continue reading

Spirit Science 22 ~ enLIGHTenment

Spirit Science 22 is all about EnLIGHTenment! To become Enlightened is to become more aware of what IS. And what IS, is seeing everything simply “as it is”, with no preconceived ideas or stories being placed on top of circumstances.

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Ghandi said “The Demons in this world are the ones in our own Hearts, and that is where all battles must be fought”.

So this is a video about how pretty much every ancient culture and belief system believes not only that in Light there is Truth, Expression, Creation, and Love… and also that You and I too are of that Light.

We are the Universe!

We are Light Beings, Albert Einstein proved it with E=MC2.
(Everything = Energy = Light Manifesting as Reality w/ Density = We are Light!)