On December 21st, Teal Scott and I came together to make a video. Here is my written response as well below in regards to the people who were confused about what “happened” on this day.
It’s interesting seeing how many people say things like “Well, nothing happened on Dec 21st and so therefore you are shit, and i am never believing anything ever again!”
Wowsy, it seems like this really went to a lot of peoples heads. It’s interesting because no amount of posts and sharing about “Look for transformation in your own life, don’t expect anything to happen, create your life and become aware of whats going around you” Posts in videos and on facebook could do anything to transmute the negativity into something useful and loving.
What’s in a name, what does the meaning in which a vibration hold? You ultimately get to decide that for yourself, so today we get to jam together to the tune of awareness and understanding of the infinity of the phrase “I Am that I Am”. Meditate with it, get it first in your mind, and then in your heart, for you are that you are, and you are beautiful.
I love you! Have a great day :)
Ps. Spirit Science 20 coming soon! Hopefully monday, maybe tuesday.
On our way to boulder, we had to stop when we discovered a beautiful castle made purely of ice! What was experienced would never see the light of day, because it was night time, and fortunately we recorded a bunch of it and get to share it with you! :)