Tag Archives: working together

Justice Or Just Us?

Some might question how exactly this is “Spirit Science”… So before I go any further, I’ll explain. “In the simplest sense, I wish to change the world. Revolution of light and colour, healing, transformation, spirit cities, people working together – global realization of Christ Consciousness.” – Jordan

I once asked Jordan what his original intent was when he began his spiritual journey and that is what he said. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, lets move forward! Continue reading

The Great Secret of Success

The Wright Brothers, Lewis and Clark, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Leonard and Sheldon, Kirk and Spock, Miguel and Tuleo, Megaman and Dr. Light,  the list of people who’ve done powerful things together is great. In fact, even when you look at the individuals who seem to stand alone, you often find that’s not quite the case at all.

For right next to them were one, two, four, or an entire team of people they were connected with making things happen right beside them.

For could Gandhi have done what he did without any support from everyone around him? How about Martin Luther King Jr? Could Da’Vinci have painted the Mona Lisa without Mona herself? Would Thorin OakenShield be able to even get as far as the Trolls in “The Hobbit” if he didn’t have his Company alongside him? Continue reading