Spirit Science Toolbox

The Spirit Science Toolbox is a brand new expansion of the Spirit Science Series! Sign up below and you’ll start receiving delicious weekly emails that go through all of the Spirit Science videos, and other videos and projects that we’ve made (or other awesome cats have made).

Not only that, but along with each video we will be expanding upon the Spirit Science series with even more ideas, concepts, and understandings to take our awareness of ourselves and each other to a WHOLE ‘nother level!

You’re not going to want to miss this ;)

730 thoughts on “Spirit Science Toolbox”

  1. Hello, i just wanted to say how much I appreciate this information, even if sometimes I’m lost because my English is not that good, I’m just understanding everything in my mind, so it’s great SpiritScience have a really good graphical way to explain it. this is crazy, but this things really really feed my soul. and I feel so happy, so, SO! happy every time I watch this videos.

    Thanks a lot.

    Isamel Cabarcas – Buenos Aires, Argentina
    [email protected]

  2. Your videos have made me start to remember what i have forgotten. i love you and wish to talk to you and others about whats really going on.

  3. I was absolutely fascinated and impressed when I stumbled across the spirit science series. I have been researching every subject that has been discussed and my world has opened up to another dimension (lol). I feel like I am the poster child in Los Angeles quoting and recommending certain episodes and forwarding links and emails. Thank you Spirit Science and Jordan Pierce for all that you do. I am experiencing even more syncronicities in my life since I have expanded my mind to certain subjects. Love and Light!

  4. I’m having the worst time trying to login! I have tried several emails, looking up FAQs, it says to contact board administrator but i don’t know who that is or how to do that! I try to get reactivation email and i never get the email, I’ve deleted all board cookies. I’ve tried to register under another IP address. I’ve tried different computers. I’ve tried to reply to Jordan’s emails, It says I must do captcha image plus my password and apparently i never get it right. Have I been banned or what gives???

  5. Hi,
    I have been experiencing some not so natural things with me.
    I used to see dreams of something that really happened a day or 2 after having the dreams.
    But, those dreams dont come to me now.

    Also, i have always been fascinated to know about our origin. Bang Bang theory did not convince me, since there has to be something that created the Big Bang too ? And what after that. Just some molecules came together and formed life ??

    During sleeps, i try to focus at the centre of my forehead, exactly at the same place, where exists the 3rd eye of Lord Shiva in Hindu religion . And sometime it went intense and i could feel the earth shaking. This happens to me frequently. Does all these things mean something ???

    Your spirit science videos contains many things that i thought about . Great work !!!

    1. if you feel vibrations in meditation states especially when about to fall asleep your so close to having an out of body experience…. when the earth shakes relax some more into it, and concentrate on your breathing…. then if your lucky and ready you’ll pop out….. dont pay any attention to anything like shapes or shadows during this time, you are infinite and nothing can harm you, its like a test of what trust you have in your own consciousness. Go explore!

  6. I’ll admit…. all of you inspired me… and I got to do my best to AWAKE other people,… the people that I know and I dont even know..

  7. what i love most about most about the tool box is it in most way and is a walk down a road that when i was moveing down it it seam more like the Newriver in WVa. ( i also ask my self meany times how did i get in this closebasket). so now being this fox has to keep hem self out of trap he puts hem self in it so good the reflect on thing i did not see as closely so as all way mush love ;-}

  8. I like to take my spiritual growth to the next level but I am not sure where to turn. Is there a place I can have a online conversation to help develop for deeper thought?

    1. It’s simple dear one ^^ meditation can help you reach the next level or go outside in nature and relax ^^ enjoy the view/sounds the animals. ^^ Think positive in everything listen to your heart and soul share love with the world <3 you are special don't forget it ^_^ <3

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