Spirit Science Toolbox

The Spirit Science Toolbox is a brand new expansion of the Spirit Science Series! Sign up below and you’ll start receiving delicious weekly emails that go through all of the Spirit Science videos, and other videos and projects that we’ve made (or other awesome cats have made).

Not only that, but along with each video we will be expanding upon the Spirit Science series with even more ideas, concepts, and understandings to take our awareness of ourselves and each other to a WHOLE ‘nother level!

You’re not going to want to miss this ;)

730 thoughts on “Spirit Science Toolbox”

  1. Hi,

    I’m a huge fan of the Spirit Science website and I’m here almost everyday. I really respect your work, and of course, your ambition to change the world a little at a time.

    I’m a writer at Buddha Mag and our aim is to be the bridge between higher consciousness and everyday Walmart people (lofty goal, but we’re trying). We’ve recently published an article titled “Spirituality ABC – A beginner’s guide to higher consciousness, minus the big words”. Follow this link:


    It’s gotten pretty good responses so far and has also been picked up by Ozorian Prophet, the official magazine of the famous Ozora Festival in Budapest. We believe that simplifying the concepts and terms would be a good way to reach out to a wider audience, and we hope that Spirit Science can help us out here, by publishing the article on your website.

    Do let me know what you think, I think it’ll be a great honour to be published here. Look forward to hearing from you soon.


  2. I am a bit confused on some of your concepts. When I go to work,I am a psychologist, I recognize this thought pattern Have you been off your meds for a while?

  3. Hi jordan and team I have a project I would like you to collaborate on with me as you are perfect for the job. For more information contact me via my email this is a definite game changer and would really like to have you guys work with me obviously you would be paid for your efforts and I would require a quote before we can begin!

  4. Jordan, Ray and the lovely Spirit Team. I want to thank you all for putting your heart and effort in sharing the knowledge that you have been acquiring through your personal paths and experiences, thank you for taking the time to create this beautiful site and all the series, videos and articles,… So much work!! I think that sharing what We learn is the way to grow together, even if I don´t physically know you guys I shure benefit from your effort… so… THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS!
    Love and light from Mexico.

    1. Jordan, Ray and the lovely Spirit Team. I want to thank you all for putting your heart and effort in sharing the knowledge that you have been acquiring through your personal paths and experiences, thank you for taking the time to create this beautiful site and all the series, videos and articles,… So much work!! I think that sharing what We learn is the way to grow together, even if I don´t physically know you guys I shure benefit from your effort… so… THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS!
      Love and light from Mexico.

  5. It takes a genius to compile such a body of works as this.
    You communicate these complicated subjects so beautifully. Openly making this knowledge so accessible to all seeking understanding .
    For that I am very grateful.

  6. I want to receive the newsletter from this spirit sicence website. Please add me or tell me where to submit.

  7. “How much have I got to send you could not see were ,
    I think the work you do is just so nice, when you look at this
    Worldwide Truble,s and why do we all think it needs us to have
    To help them with warfare and giving kids
    Guns instead of giving love.
    God bless you, and good luck with all you do.

    Yours panther Baldock.”

    What? This is incoherent. What are you trying to say?

  8. How much have I got to send you could not see were ,
    I think the work you do is just so nice, when you look at this
    Worldwide Truble,s and why do we all think it needs us to have
    To help them with warfare and giving kids
    Guns instead of giving love.
    God bless you, and good luck with all you do.

    Yours panther Baldock.

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