Spirit Science Toolbox

The Spirit Science Toolbox is a brand new expansion of the Spirit Science Series! Sign up below and you’ll start receiving delicious weekly emails that go through all of the Spirit Science videos, and other videos and projects that we’ve made (or other awesome cats have made).

Not only that, but along with each video we will be expanding upon the Spirit Science series with even more ideas, concepts, and understandings to take our awareness of ourselves and each other to a WHOLE ‘nother level!

You’re not going to want to miss this ;)

730 thoughts on “Spirit Science Toolbox”

  1. hi spirit science i was looking to find your e-mail(s) but nowhere to be seen, so i chose to write here. Very recently i awoke and moments later i found 2 of my life purposes. I am a wisdomkeeper/messenger for humanity. I would love to contribute to your work (if possible?)

    Looking forward to hear from u. Peace!

    1. Hey man that’s really cool, being a wisdomkeeper/messenger is vitally important to everyone. I’m curious how you came upon your awakening, because I have been looking for my true path as well. I think that I’d like to do something important and meaningful with my time but it seems that there’s been nothing out there that really held my interest for very long. Anyway keep up the good work, hope you are able to continue down your fulfillment as I’ll continue to search for mine.

  2. Hi Team

    I love your website and check it out almost every day.

    I noticed you have shared a few beautiful aerial videos over time and thought this one really is the best / most beautiful aerial video of all time. Thought your readers would absolutely love it – I did and I love your site so… :).


    Please let me know if you like it.

    Please keep up the awesome work.



    1. hi ,

      “There is enough for who want to light”
      If any body is not be able to receive the message from God , then he must read Holy Quran .

  3. hi there, iv not long found your stuff on youtube and I was very intrigued by it. iv been thinking alone some of the same lines in my own personal search for inner peace. I have been watching your spirit science series and its help me understand a lot. I would just like to say thanks and keep up the good work.
    free human.

  4. Hello spirit team! My name is Alexander Horn and I would like to ask for some views on how one lives in the small space of the heart, I’ve just started to really understand but not yet comprehend what Drunvelo and the Spirit Science web series on sacred geometry. And lately my learning is at a slow point, glad to take some insight! -*
    love Al

  5. This website is a really unique type of new age bullshit, I’ll give it that. It’s like chakra energy healing for bronies or something. Honestly hate this type of thing so so so so much and wish people would stop filling their heads with this garbage. If you want to learn about spirituality, study some actual world religions. Read some carl jung. william blake. Hell, read aldous huxley! There’s no paradigm shift coming. the idea has no substance. it’s as flat. one-dimensional. illiterate! rainbow fucking crystal fantasies clothed in cable television level scientific literacy aren’t going to help anyone.

    1. Wow man, you are the definition of an educated idiot in existence. I’m going to address each point of you’re stupidity that you have given the world to view.
      1. New age bullshit: how can alchemy be new age when it has existed since the egyptian dynasties?
      2.filling people’s head with garbage. That just portrays your level of stupid as well as your ignorance. You can’t understand how to analyse an issue your stupidity leads you to believe alchemy is just referring to metal based substances; showing you can only understand issues at face value. All pagan concepts have been extracted and distorted by all modern religions and subjects who have taken them and distorted the reality to suit there purposes. As for telling people to explore main stream religions and read Carl Jung, obviously you talk the talk but don’t walk the walk, altough officially Jung was documented to be Christian, he explored numerous religions in order to broaden his horizions: the I – ching, Confusis, Haiti vodoo, wiccan and paganism as has been well documented. As for William Blake he was a christian mystic again a former of majik. And, fundementaly every modern science was first developed through what the occult had to offer from philosophy, modern medicine grew from the village shamans and witches looking after people’s ailments and alchemy itself was the pre – cursor to numerous modern pursuits from smelting metals to chemistry, biology as well as numerous others. So b4 you attempt to ridicule a genre try to be informed enough to substantiate your ignorance.

    2. Your truth isn’t my truth. and what is religion but a way of thinking,seeing the world, answering the worlds mysteries in a way that sounds true to the believer. Thank you for voicing your opinion but I think your should maybe reconsider somethings.

    3. Illiterate people use the “f” word and other non-definitive terms like “bull shit”. They do this because they have lost control of their emotions and thus they have lost their argument. Why you would come here if this is not something you want to learn about is beyond me. If you want to learn then please read, listen, inquire – respectfully & intelligently and learn. If you want to insult what you do not understand then please go and re-read some of Miss Manners’ books on how to conduct yourself when you read or hear something you do not agree with. I would have said read one of the books you referenced but it is obvious from your communication that you are not able to read those documents either. I stated that you did not understand the ideas that you damn because you are completely unable to address any concept definitively in an intellectual manner.
      I believe that you are in dire need of learning how to analyze and write constructively. Until you have learned to do this you are in no position to espouse anything.

      1. well don man , one thing I want to add here , ” there is enough for who want to light” if any body can not take or receive the direct message from God. then he should must read the ” Holy Quran “

    4. “…aren’t going to help anyone…” well you helped us really now with this negative comment… I just learned how to skip negative comment more quickly ;)

    5. Well someone has never heard if you have nothing nice to say don’t say it, but I doubt you have even seen the entire series everything except a few, which he even mentions there is little proof, has been backed up by science. So before you go and start typing this 2 year old rant do some research on your own.

  6. Hi!

    I’ve been wondering about your teaching of chakras. Are you aware about AuraTransformation?
    I’ll link you to their US site; http://auratransformation.com/ please check this out ^^
    I feel that the traditional aura structure really is outdated and needs an update asap, which actually is already happening very rapidly among people.

  7. Hey Spirit!!

    where did the article ‘working with chakras’ go?? it was one of my main tools… :( please put it back in..

  8. Hi i´m Sonia and I am from Portugal and I found this website in Tumblr, well my question is : What is the importance of the Orion constelation ? Does the word Kanio molecule or atom, means something to you? if so, please answer me, this is really important for me, i don´t know who else to make this questions. Thanks

  9. What is the Spirit Science on Ouija Boards? I personally prefer the White Light and deal only with the Higher Conscienceness. I still would like to know the science of this. Can you explain?

  10. Hi Spirit Science,

    I just wanted to say thank you for starting me on an incredible journey. I came across your videos on YouTube and from there I have not stopped learning and researching. I of course began meditating and it has worked so well! I am a student, that was used dealing with the stresses of exams and other pressures, but ever since I started on this journey it has gradually faded away, and my worries completely dissipate from time to time. I feel like I have attracted (and am continuing to attract) so much positivity and not only has it influenced me, but those around me! I can only believe that a higher being, perhaps a guide, has directed me down this path – to find your videos and to continue to research and spread the understanding and beauty of spirituality and spirit science. Not only that, but more and more I am being empirically reassured that what I am learning about is the right path. There is so much more to existence than we perceive, and it is becoming increasingly apparent!

    Thank you for your part in my journey, I am grateful for your posts and videos to guide me further.

    1. My journey started with the zeitgeist series, then the Ubuntu party and now here. Can’t wait to see what see what next…..

    1. Even if you take a “cosmic” look at it, we have only accounted for 5% of the matter that’s there (so scientists tell us) The rest is “dark matter” (um . . .) ie we can’t find it, it isn’t in black holes, the amount of gravity says it’s there, but we’re still looking for it. And now it seems that the speed of light is not even constant.
      Doesn’t it occur to you that, given the way our understanding of the universe is so different than it was only 200 years ago, then what we know now will look awfully primative in another 200 years? Let’s face it, there’s a lot more we DON’T know about than we DO know about, especially if we can’t even find 95% of it!
      I’m prepared to bet that, since there’s 7 billion of us, all of whom have done this “coming to life” thing in the last 100 years, that we actually KNOW how to do this! What a concept. 7 billion is hard to argue with. And I wonder if that’s why we should be somewhat accountable to each other, because next time around, you might be me. It even brings into question the whole idea of uniqueness, doesn’t it?
      Lets explore this wonderful thing called “life” with positive intentions.
      With love, Ward.

    2. yeah!!!!!first comes the eternal conciscousness…then hell or heaven which depends on the deeds you have done …..then the cycle of rebirth

    3. Heaven and hell are both states of mind, rather than places. States of mind translate into vibrations, heaven being finer vibrations, and hell being denser vibrations. Generally lower vibrating beings are prevented from entering higher levels, and higher vibrating beings generally feel uncomfortable in lower vibrations…

      The “earth plane” is the level that higher and lower vibrations can interface, and affect each other, as far as I can tell. Both states are available to us, but not simultaneously.

      One can be in a definite hellish state, in or out of the body, it is carried within the being, via vibration… As with heavenly states. Most of us wish to raise our vibration when we become aware that such a thing is possible, and we seek out means, which include prayer, meditation, seeking out physical places that contain them, like temples, churches, etc, and we seek out people who can envelop us in those higher vibrations. Many holy persons, shaman, healers, artists, performers, and singers are expert at manipulating collective vibration within a locale.

      1. Excellent points! Thank you for your insight.

        “Heaven and hell are both states of mind, rather than places. States of mind translate into vibrations, heaven being finer vibrations, and hell being denser vibrations. Generally lower vibrating beings are prevented from entering higher levels, and higher vibrating beings generally feel uncomfortable in lower vibrations”

  11. Hello spirit team :D
    I was wondering , & asking a direct answer, if empaths are also wizards? & if so, then how can we protect ourselves from black majic, and how can we use white majic for protection? ?

  12. Hey spirit science!
    About a year ago I had been interested in all this stuff! I meditate all the time but only just recently things have started to change. At first it was just non understandable whispering. But now I’m seeing spirits! Or hopefully nothing that’s bad. I was laying in my bed and about 15 minutes before I got the sense that I wasn’t alone. I became scared and even tried to convince myself that nothing was wrong but then I saw a red coloured person! They didn’t have eyes or any features but I should see the outline of them. Their head, ears, shoulders. I got scared and told it to go away and it disappeared. But what was it!? They didn’t seem angry tho. Maybe an astral body

  13. The spirit science FB page has been hacked! Or there’s a bug, just an fyi. All the news feeds are sex related, not your stuff. Obviously someone is trying to shut u done.

  14. Hello Spirit Science! =) I’m wondering if you have a ‘seach’ button somewhere on here. I would love to access past articles by searching specific topics and haven’t managed so far. Great work you’re doing!

    1. The Search feature is located in the right upper hand corner of this page, it is a blue box with a white magnifying glass symbol on it. I agree with Kelly about the great work you are doing SpiritScience crew! These X’s and O’s I have assembled are for you~~ XXooXOXOXoxoxoXOxoxxXOXOXOXXO

  15. Dear Sir/Madam,

    My name is Ivan Milovanović and I am writing from Serbia. I am follower of your site for a long time and most of topics are on some way connected with my interests and my work. For a long time I have one idea, about starting web portal which will bring together lot of very interesting, and above all, positive texts, so with this message I want to express my intention to translate your articles on Serbian, and to put it on that portal. Portal would start before New year, and during time it would cover all areas where people can speak and understand Serbian (territory of Ex Yugoslavia).
    I saw on your site that you are looking for people who would share and translate your articles on as much languages as possible, so we both have interest for cooperation, but still I would like to know if there is any obligations, or terms we should consider, regarding potential contracting (is there a need for it and what would be terms), regarding protecting privacy and similar. Of course that every article we translate and publish would have written notice of source (name of your site and link of article), but if there is something else, it is better for all to agree about everything before starting cooperation.

    One more thing. We plan to put on our site translation of articles from different sources, so just to check, is it ok with you? I don’t see what would be issue about it, but better to ask :)

    Thank you for your time! I am looking forward to hear from you and to future cooperation! I am sure your articles will be very interesting for people of Balkan countries, as much as it is interesting to me :)

    Wish you all the best!

    Ivan Milovanović
    Čačak, Serbia
    [email protected]

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