Spirit Science Toolbox

The Spirit Science Toolbox is a brand new expansion of the Spirit Science Series! Sign up below and you’ll start receiving delicious weekly emails that go through all of the Spirit Science videos, and other videos and projects that we’ve made (or other awesome cats have made).

Not only that, but along with each video we will be expanding upon the Spirit Science series with even more ideas, concepts, and understandings to take our awareness of ourselves and each other to a WHOLE ‘nother level!

You’re not going to want to miss this ;)

730 thoughts on “Spirit Science Toolbox”

  1. Hello Jordan, I’m a young fella, I love to talk and have fun, but really love to help people. What really introduced me to wanting to help people was that I have fallen into many depressing states and was just quiet for weeks on end. After I have gotten over all my Dark places I realized that i didn’t want people to experience what i have. After a while I was looking for a person to have guidance from, then I scroll past Spirit Science on facebook and went wow this awesome! I have just fallen in love with Spirit Science ALOT. I really would like to know if there was any way I could help Change our World by your guidance and help pave a Path to Humanity and Truth.


  2. I have to ask this one question. Did anyone else experience something while learning about sacred geometry? I was at work, in my office watching one of the cartoon clips on sacred geometry and I was watching all of the different shapes. I am pretty sure it said “watch closely” and “don’t look away.” Almost like the geometric patterns were being used to wake me up in this meditation of colorful geometry; I thought to myself, “is this really happening?” I have tried quite a few times to locate the part that I’m talking about and I can’t find it anywhere.

    1. It was probably your higher consciousness talking to you. This is your inner guidance. Listen for it again and you’ll have a new best friend with you whenever you need it most.

  3. I have to ask this one question. Did anyone else experience something while learning about sacred geometry? I was at work, in my office watching one of the cartoon clips on sacred geometry and I was watching all of the different shapes. I am pretty sure it said “watch closely” and “don’t look away.” Almost like the geometric patterns were being used to wake me up in this meditation of colorful geometry; I thought to myself, “is this really happening?” I have tried quite a few times to locate the part that I’m talking about and I can’t find it anywhere.

  4. Hello everyone, whenever I talk to people about my view of things [the spirit science ideology, I hope you understand], I get looked at as crazy. Its not like I mind. I just will prefer to have people to talk to who can relate to how I think. People I can learn from, and vice versa of course.

    Basically, I need friends. If there’s a Nigerian on here please reach out. If you would like to be friends with me, please send me a mail at [email protected] I’d really appreciate anyone who reaches out. Looking forward to Connecting with you. Namaste.

  5. i have a lot of question but one is can we be christian and if christian is it right believe to fallow christian … will i go to hell for not fallowing… i have many more questions i would like u to contact me via email [email protected]

    1. of coarse you can be a Christian!
      but you will need to be a “true Christian” – This means that you must take your religion with the knowledge that it is meant to guide you down the correct path, not dictate your life.
      Remember that self truth is the idea. self discovery is necessary. and NEVER lose hope, for all that man-kind has is hope and perception.
      Hold Love in your heart just as Jesus did, that is what GOD has asked for according to Christians. so by these standards as long as you do not judge others and you can love the Creator within them ( GOD ) then you are fulfilling the requirements of Christianity.

      Keep in mind that several Christians are not TRUE Christians and they will judge people based on their looks, sexual preferences, religious views, even for petty personal reasons (such as a previous interaction with someone that they just didn’t like). – In my personal experience I have been judged for my previous relationships with others, I have been shunned from an entire church over a break-up..
      On the flip side I have met several “True Christians” who love to hear my views and how I perceive the stories from the bible and the morals that they live for. – It makes for wonderful conversations when you can open your mind to a Multi-Reality such as that.

      I would recommend to stay a Christian and explore what your church and community would say about your views and questions, then seek out other Christians who are willing to speak about these topics with you as well. once you feel you have a good grasp on your religion and you fully understand what it stands for, start reading into other Religions. You will start to see the dots connect and the picture come alive like a constellation in the sky.

      Stay true to your heart and soul and all religion can bring you to the same outcome. A place where we can all be free to live and experience life in our own creative way. A place where love held move valuable than gold.


      1. It was very nice to read your response. A big way that has helped me is knowing that because of Jesus I know true love. He came to love us and show us how to love eachother. If we truly put his teaching in to practice and allow ourselves to accept the Devine love and acceptance from Christ we will also be filled with love, joy, and gratitude. Our vibrations will be high and we will take care of each other and save the world!

      2. i’d rather believe in being human. worship every human. respect every human, rather than believing or being christian, jewish, muslim, hindu, sikh, or as a matter of fact any other religion. To connect to the real eternal energy is to be true to yourself. In the end we all share the same colour of blood, same heart, same body,same brain,same colour of tears. ONE RELIGION HUMAN or If you really want to worship someone, worship the nature, show respect, take care of the nature. Since whatever we see is because of the eternal power. The Nature and The Human co existed to become God, which is the eternal power. Believe in Karma. :)

        1. Worship someone who or what you see everyday. Your parents. Your surroundings. Your partner.Your friends. Your space. Yourself. :)

    2. Im just an beginners yet im pretty good with cencepts, so let me try.

      You are Christian for its values of love and harmony based on true belief. Christ was merely a messenger of this core values, so your not doing it for him, but for what you feel is right and divine. It is this self reliant mindset that frees you from insecurity. Fear would be the opposite of this conception that christ was trying to teach us manifesting in a realm of negative energy which we call hell, made up by entities from the service-to-self orientation. Yet true believe in devine love and acceptance and trust is the opposite of this conception, meaning it’s a self fulfilling prophecy: you have nothing to fear if you just don’t fear anything, because you know everything is exactly as it should be. You’re actually not turning Christ in for cosmic divinity, you’re actually embracing his lessons like never before. Be proud and confident and you will see.

    3. Hi Christina,

      Faith is something that is for the individual to determine. I grew up attending a strict baptist church every Sunday, and am still battling emotional consequences over the guilt-pounding that occurs as a result of the christian teachings.

      The fact that your asking this question in and of itself is evidence enough to start learning and exploring. But in my opinion, you will not go to hell for wanting more knowledge. Whatever the TRUTH really is, it doesnt need your blind faith to operate, unlike the christian god of abraham.

  6. I am glad to see all of the positive comments. I enjoy different aspects of your site. I have gone to the chat room a few times and I would rather have not been sent somewhere that seems to connect to the idea of the site and its a chat room filled with people trolling the room and meaningful conversation is squashed. I hope that one day there is some way of connecting and learning together.

  7. i need your help..
    i have lost the will.
    like dead body … not willing to do any thing .. as nothing belongs to me …
    every action .. even tooth brush could not be accomplished for many days… WHY … FOR WHOM I SHOULD DO IT … WHO IS WILLING TO SEE ME ON EARTH …………. i know its not good … but knowing is not enough
    i am father of 5 childern … a sportsman a Military Officer and was a full of targets and achievments .. believe in ENDEAVOR and fight till last blood drop ……. but something happen in some roots …… may be error in fundamental faith…
    but its not life …. not going to suicide but if someone will kill me i will not resist ..
    help me get out of here ..

    1. It’s time for something new… Do something different. Do it for that which you don’t even know yet. it will come to you.

      1. Hello
        I’m addressing to you regarding my proposal for mutually cooperation. I have a website for healthy tips and recipes http://www.feelhealthylife.com. Because of the similar topics, I want to suggest cooperation by changing posts, make links from my text to your web and reverse, posting on facebook pages, google +,links to webs or some other way of cooperation on your proposal.
        I’m ready to pay right now if necessary

        I think that we can both have benefits from this kind of mutual occurrence on the Internet scene. By linking and changing texts, we will enrich our webs and interest for them will grow.
        Hoping for future cooperation,

        Thank in advance

        Best Regards,

      2. Hello Jordan, god bless you for very good job from your side

        I have many time write a mail to you, but without answer from your side

        can you please send other mail , I like to speak about cooperate

        Best Regards

    2. Help me help you. I’m a hospice nurse by profession, so I’m surrounded by death every day.

      Just knowing your children and wife and those who love you will suffer if you die, is not enough to keep you here. I know you know this. Just the fact that you reached out to this site means you are asking for help. I know you know this too. Make that phone call to a suicide hotline, right now.

      I’m glad I saw your post. Promise me you’ll pay it forward some day.

      A fellow human who cares,
      Karen T

    3. I’ve Felt similar to that, then I got HIV and I could pass if I wanted to. I think that’s what made me start to feel different, since I had a choice and my choice was to live I decided to live better than I was. And it’s true, fake it till you make it.

    4. Salaam my dear,

      You still have the miracle of life and you have become so hopeless? Look at your children and find hope in them. Specially being a Muslim does not allow you to lose hope and faith. No matter what happened in your life which gave you a void like that, believe it that you can always come out of it, and for you there is a very simple one, your children. They are your small bundles of sunshine , believe in them and strife for them.

      Trust me I’ve had many difficult, dark, continuous years in my life, the bond of strength for me was only my mother, and for her, me. My younger sisters were too young to offer any solitude, but they were the force for us. Still harsh days are not over yet, but minimised Hamdulilah. No matter how dark the times are, you should never leave hope. and for you its easier. Recite ayat e Kareema openly and see your times turn to brightness, Insha Allah.

    5. Your soul’s purpose is lost and is eager to be found. Your spirit has been drained because of activities you’ve engaged in that don’t bring you to your highest, aligned and enlightened self. You are operating at an extremely low vibration and that doesn’t serve those destined to be lead into awakening by you any good. You have a destiny bigger than yourself. This is a journey and it is up to you to decide you will allow guidance to get you to your highest self. Are you willing to do the work? Are you looking for help to start you on this journey of self discovery? I am a life coach/personal brand analyst and if you would like a consultation and are in the U.S., would be more than happy to assist you in connecting the dots. Email me @ [email protected]

    6. The answer lies within you. You said it yourself. Think about it:

      i am father of 5 childern”

      Isn’t it obvious? Just try to feel it.

    7. Do not give up yet pain is a steping stone find the root of the pain and start there prays out for u

    8. brother,

      maybe it’s not about who is watching,
      maybe it’s not about for whom to do it for.
      maybe it’s just about doing what feels right for you, respecting yourself and others.

      life can get really boring u know, same thing every day.
      have u tried living on another country ? try out new things, maybe that will feel right.
      i’ve found myself appreciating myself by having different jobs, even if they have nothing to do with each other.

      i used to think we had some kind of mission or life purpose, now i know that we create our own purpose, in part.
      there is no better or higher purpose that other, its just different.
      i like doing whatever is needed in wherever i am and whomever i’m with, just because i can, and i like sharing my energy with other people. share our experiences and decisions in life.

      that is my best medicine, just go for the next step, even if we dont have the big picture.
      if each step feels right, the outcome will feel just as well.

      when something starts feeling wrong, change everything ! or change one thing at a time, that way you’ll know what was making you feel that way.

      a hug brother !

    9. Kaiser Azeem, I know and understand how you feel. I’ve been therefor most of my life. Firstly, congratulation for deciding not to suicide. It would damage your family dreadfully, apart from the pain it would cause. Did you know that children of a parent who suicides are far more likely to suicide themselves. You need to find a purpose for you’re being here. We all are here with a purpose, to learn some life lessons. To give and to love. To be the best that we can be. There are many religions and spiritual teachers who leave information for us to use. If you are a muslim then study your written word. If you leave before your lesson is learnt then you will only have to learn it some other time. Better to do it now. Now-you are in a bad place mentally. You need help. Call one of the helplines-one for suicide if you can. Next talk to someone knowledgeable and trained with depression who might be able to help you re-frame your thoughts more positively. Finally, try to see your doctor and tell him/her how you feel, truthfully. Try to see a psychiatrist. While you feel so bad you may need some medication to help you over this bad time. You may even need to stay somewhere where you can be cared for if you are not able to do it yourself. I send you love and best wishes. I hope we can all send you higher vibrations so that you can raise your own. Take care. Karen.

  8. it has been said once before,
    Adam and Eve,
    were made of light,

    until the apple which they saw,
    and then,
    took a bite,

    this has been written,
    this has been taught,
    beings made of light no more,

    because of the apple,
    i am led to believe,
    we are truly floored,

    light will shine,
    light will glow,

    different angles,
    reflect like so,

    look in a mirror,
    what do you see,

    an image of light,
    shinning back on thee,

    take away the mirror,
    reflection no more,

    just a dense coloured space,
    most likely a wall,

    carbon is a funny thing,
    it reflects space and time,

    except with out light
    you can not see it,

    with out light
    you are blind,

    when light saturates carbon
    it gives us the world we see,

    just like the apple
    seen from a far,

    and taken from that tree,

    outwardly we think,
    to fill the void in thee,

    towards creation itself,

    how and why
    we came to be,

    forward we look
    at the stories in the light,

    all faiths of the world,

    scratching the surface,
    they just might,

    spiritually man has written,
    many rules to follow thee,

    some claim god their own,
    and claim exclusively,

    a virgin light
    you enter this world,
    feeling your way through,

    and with the creation of our young,
    a lineage of light,
    we pass on too,

    imagine a world of true equality,
    we’re we all had the same view,

    depicting no difference in our beings,
    or embellishing what we do,

    with out riddle
    I say unto you this,

    do not judge,

    do not dismiss,

    theirs a light out there
    It’s one straight line,
    this light holds
    the frequency of time,

    in this light,
    your feelings
    guide you through,

    and some times these feelings,
    will contradict you,

    close your eyes,

    “sleep now”

    theirs more light to see,

    it’s the light that shines
    even in the dark,

    it’s the universal light
    in dreams,

    limitless creation,
    endless scope of mind,

    governed only by feelings,
    in a place you can not hide,

    jumbled in appearance,
    jumbled feelings in your brain,

    hard to make sense,
    of what can sometimes
    seem insane,

    those lights that you see,
    as you lay in your bed,

    when your asleep,
    pictures in your head,

    I say to thee,
    for I know this be true,

    it happens to me,
    It happens to you,

    Its a different light,
    seemingly hard to explain,

    it comes and go’s in flashes,
    in the night,
    in the day,

    we succumb to this place
    most times we rest,

    it gives you feelings
    and choices best,

    glimmers of enlightenment,
    some nightmares too,

    you don’t have to hit the bottom,
    you can fly
    straight on through,

    next time your falling
    have a good look around,

    see the light in your fear
    it can feel quite profound,

    feelings will guide one
    they shed light on what to do,

    present you with a choice,
    what’s next is up to you,

    a new day born,
    creation awaits,
    the sun light shimmers,
    every ray has its place,
    aluminising space and time,
    for us to see,
    another beautiful day,
    in the universe it will be,
    realise this,
    and the letters you see,
    the first of each,
    lines one, two & three,

    eyes wide open,

    their you are,

    that shimmering ray of light,
    shinning like a star,

    be the light,
    endless reflections of mind,
    now like this message it’s history in time,

  9. Dear Jordan and the Spirit Science network!

    Let´s unite!
    I´m creating a platform to unite the spiritual teachings, so it can reach and inspire more people. Now I’m trying to collect enough money to actually build it. The concept is to collect knowledge from all over the web, systemize and rate it, and then publish it to the right audience at the right time. All work done collectively. I want to help educating the world to the highest level possible, and create a system so fun and easy to use, that it also will attract the restless type that before didn’t take the time to discover this.

    Take a look at it! :

    Feel free to write me back, and I wish you all the best!

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