Filmmaker David Lynch Describes How Transcendental Meditation is The Secret To Success

Ever heard of those classic experimental films by David Lynch? Anything from the popular TV show Twin Peaks to Eraser Head, Dune and many more influential films. Who knew he would be one to do transcendental meditation? Apparently, David Lynch says he hasn’t missed a day of transcendental meditation in a staggering 43 years.

shutterstock_28282579He was recently in Los Angeles, watching a panel at the Georgetown University School of Medicine, listening to a psychiatrist talk about how to boost performance and live a happier life through transcendental meditation.

After the panel, Lynch described why he thinks transcendental meditation is the secret to everything in life in a one-on-one interview.

When asked why he believes transcendental meditation can make you healthier, he replied that many illnesses are stress-related and that stress can literally kill you. It is no secret that stress is one of the most popular problems that plagues us in this modern era.

We are all shrouded in stress because the design of our society tells us we need to work harder and faster, and if we’re not, then we must be lazy. This is something David Lynch seems to understand very well.

He recalls something kind of just clicked in his life, he sensed there was something more to reality and transcendental meditation can help us understand what it really is.shutterstock_28282582

He’s actually set up his own foundation that brings transcendental meditation teachings to those who can’t afford to go to classes. He says to meditate 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes during the afternoon, and then to watch how your life transforms after that. He says once  you learn the technique, it’s yours for the rest of your life.

Many big-time celebrities use meditation to balance themselves in the busyness and materialistic stress of their lives.

For someone who is constantly having their energy pulled from them, like an actor, meditation techniques are vital in their lives to keep them centered and focused.

More and more celebrities are speaking out to the amazing benefits they have received from doing meditation, so maybe it’s time we take it a bit more seriously.

Try have a daily meditation yourself and see how much more clarity is brought to your life.


Read more here.

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