All posts by Jordan

How to be Anything and Everything in Existence


It’s not as hard  as you might think to see yourself as everyone and everything all around you. In truth, there is no separation. The appearance of individuality and isolated-ness comes from the filters we’ve set up inside the left hemispheres of our brains, as i’m sure if you’ve seen Jill Taylor describe it, when that part of the brain goes away, those laws of separation goes away with it.

It’s actually quite remarkable,  as the awareness of the interconnectedness flows through you to the depth and core of who You really are, you begin to see and recognize the Truth in it, and the old ideas of the way things are begin to break down. So its really working in both directions. The deeper you go into each other, the more the programs break down. And the more you dissect and break down the programs, the deeper you are able to See.

You are a part of everything, you are One with everything, and everything you observe and experience in your external reality is a reflection and a part of what is inside you. Likewise, what is inside you is a reflection of what is happening all around you externally, and thus both must be engaged in, in order to create the transformation and awareness that you seek.


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Being anything and everything you desire is not necessarily difficult, it simply takes an awareness, practice, and focus on the thing it is you are trying to achieve and create. Through Meditation, you can create that awareness internally, and then allow it to blend with your physical reality, allowing your physical actions to match the mental, emotional and spiritual awareness of what you’re trying to create.

There’s a video we made about it a while ago… This is the Parable of the Stonecutter.

I suppose you might say as a result that the best way to become everything in existance is to recognize that you are already it. You are already everything in existence, you are One with everything. With that awareness, the only thing left to do is ask… what do you want to do with it? And who do you want to do it with?

The Sacred Geometry of Personality, Thought and Feeling

The rules of the game are about to change. And by about to, I mean they already have. *wink*


Long, long ago, there was a realm filled with happy faces and sad faces. And all the smiles got mad at the frowns. All the frowns got mad at the smiles. And over many eons the smiles and frowns fought great wars. Across many generations, their contempt & jealousy for each other grew. That war was so great that it tore into our world ages ago and has turned everything into a huge charade.

Today, the war continues on…. And for what? Do we know who threw the first rock? Who smiled the first smile? Who frowned the first frown? We remember this ambiguous contempt and jealousy for each other, but why? How do you unite two such tribes?

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Certainly history has defined that telling each tribe their view is wrong – is NOT the answer. What we are learning today is to teach the smiles and frowns to accept one another. To demonstrate what that looks like through our own actions. We learn each others’ perspectives, and we grow together, and merge our awareness and understandings. We make it so enticing that they WANT to understand. Unconditional love flourishes in that type of environment. Love itself will save us. I can’t say the same for science. I can’t say the same for religion.

The world we see is but a thin film. The world we feel lies beyond that… it is a world of form, and it is a world of infinite potential.

We like things to be simple and easily digestible. Chew it up and swallow. We freak out when someone does something that is unusual to us, something outside of the equation of our minds. We freak out when our mind is expanded before choosing to expand it. When a species is collectively trapping itself in fear, it leads to anger, which leads to hate, which leads to suffering.

I will not save you. I simply cannot. But I will do something better. I will teach you how to save yourself. We are so defensive because we mistake our identity to be our thoughts, or our feelings. The key is recognizing that you are not your thoughts. You are the awareness of your thoughts.

The key to suffering is to learn and practice loving thy self, and knowing that you are everyone and everything – and thus self love is the practice of loving All.

There are many ways that we can put this into practice. The female way, which is expressive, creative, flowing, and intuitive. Going with the flow, and trusting your intuition.

And there is the male way. This one is a blueprint. It is guidelines, it is geometric, it is mathematical, and it can be put down into words. I would like to take some time to express what these blueprints are, and how you might use them to recognize yourself in others, and others within yourself.

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quartz-sacred-geometrySacred Geometry is the study of particular 3D shapes in the Universe. These Sacred shapes include the five Platonic Solids: the only sacred shapes that have equal sides, angles, and faces. They are the embodiment of unity and balance. Sacred Geometry also includes the Archimedean Solids, which are close to being symmetrical but aren’t quite there. They are likened to a Platonic Solid in the middle of a shift. The freedom we seek is hidden in Sacred Geometry. The realization of our dreams into reality is linked to Sacred Geometry. The more complex a platonic solid is, the more faces it has. The more faces it has, the more beautifully complex it becomes… those faces are always balanced.

Every Yin has a Yang. Every Yang has a Yin.

If we are to truly learn something new, we must apply our knowledge of Sacred Geometry to a world other than the physical world. We can apply Sacred Geometry to the mind. To the world of feelings.

Platonic Solids vs Archimedean Solids

Earth was originally mistaken as flat – a floating Hexahedron cube – but that perception was in our mind. Our mind was the cube. Then we discovered the truth. The world was round. And so our minds became round. We think our minds are round today, but this is a denial of our diversity. We all have differently shaped minds. We all have a unique and valid perspective of the world. A second awakening will reveal how we can create Heaven on Earth through unconditional love of all the shapes. We must admit our differences and accept them whether or not we agree or disagree with these differences.

These are Archimedean Solids

These are Archimedean Solids

The nature of each shape is different depending on how many sides exist. And the shape of each side is dependent on how many faces exist. And each face is different, even though it looks like a copy of the others. If we apply this science to the study of the mind, we can see that a person would have more than one potential face or side to them.

Like any other 3D object, we have sides. Let’s consider that you and I are both Platonic Solids. Literally and figuratively. From your perspective, when you look at me, you see just one aspect or ‘face’ of my whole shape. And that is me, right? Surely. But you never see the other sides of my shape until you see me from someone’s else perspective, or I reveal it to you. But this gives you a false sense of truth, because each of you can only see one side of my whole at a time. Furthermore, the sides you see of me isn’t actually my side. It is yours. The only way to see my whole shape is through unconditional love. Only then will you have a new perspective and can see the world through my eyes. Agreements and disagreements don’t matter between two people who love each other unconditionally. It is as it is. Always.


But how do people get more sides? How does all this variety, misunderstanding, and separation come about? Why can we see the differences between a person whose mind is ‘shaped’ like a Hexahedron and a person whose mind is ‘shaped’ like an Icosahedron?

In the beginning, we started as one. But we require division and expansion (multiplication) in order to grow. So our first transition is from the first dimension of wholeness to the second dimension of duality. Now we are like a line with two opposing ends. In the second dimension, we have two sides: Our Yin, and our Yang. (See? We came back around full circle!)

Now, it’s rather difficult to describe this but i’m going to do my best. You see, the human perception that we are born into and the collective human consciousness that exists in and around all of us is already at a space of complexity. It is far far far beyond the 2 point awareness of yin and yang, regardless of it being at the core and foundation of our existence (right above Unity, of course). The energy continues to fractal upwards and create many complex geometries, and within those complexities we have what we call our Light Bodies and our Shadow Selves, which is often regarded as the Yin and Yang of our existence.

The best way I can describe it is with this video. Please enjoy :)

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In and among all of the divisions often we forget that there is Unity at the very core, and in that unity there is a Duality, of which are both perfect puzzle pieces that fit together in perfect union. You might know what shape i’m talking about. It often is described like this —>

What we’re left with is a feeling of separation. The separation comes from fear. We fear the idea of someone (ourself) not being the way we observe it to be. It threatens our sense of truth, because we cling to a mental image which we want to be so badly. So when a secret is revealed to people that “shouldn’t know” we get embarrassed. For ourselves. For each other. The truth is only embarrassing when we are trying to hide it. And we only hide it when we don’t accept it as truth.

From the perspective of BEING a Platonic Solid or Archimedean Solid, essentially we are actively creating new faces of geometry and expanding our own geometric field as we grow and connect with more people, more of ourselves.

The more people you know, the more faces you have, and the more aspects you will have to your personality. Expressing our emotions and our personality is the effect of an ever-flowing blend of chemicals mixing through our body. These stimuli are ALWAYS a result of the past because they are responses of the mind. We are changing shapes constantly based on our experiences. The things we do and the people we meet. They happen automatically.

Whenever you act upon the past, you travel into the past. Whenever you act upon the future, you travel into the future. The way to create the peace you desire in the moment is to create what you desire in the future with the awareness of what you have experienced in the past. Put the past and the future together, with awareness, and you will know which actions to take and which ones not to take.

The realization and acceptance of all sides is possible through unconditional love of All. All sides are equal and necessary. All shapes are equal and necessary, despite their differences. And the more sides you have, the more aware you are, and the more complex your interactions and thoughts are, the more clear you are about the relationship between the sides and how they work, and how to transmute them on a larger scale to create more peace, more prosperity, and more freedom.

It all comes down to this:

We must fall in love with ourselves, each other, all of us. Practice it, put it into motion. This is an age of new beginnings. Things happen quickly here. Enjoy the ride. Namaste!

– This article was originally written by our friend Michael Loyd, you can visit his blog and read the original version here!
Article Edited by Jordan Pearce

The Top 5 Spirit Science Cartoons (Our Pick)

Spirit Science has been an ongoing and evolving project from the beginning. Did you know there was a time when it used to be JUST cartoons on youtube? We didn’t even have a website, it was just some fun videos I put together in my parents basement…  Now we’ve got our own servers and everything! It’s a little crazy, and we’re just still getting started. We’ve got some pretty big plans, and they involve you ;)

But today, we’re gonna take a look at the top 5 Spirit Science cartoons from my perspective. Being the guy that made them, I’ve got my own list of favorites which I just had an absolute blast making, and i’d like to share them with you today, and why I like them :)

Before we begin, I’d also like to open the space to invite YOU to list your top 5 favorite Spirit Science cartoons, and list them in the comments! I will tally the results and post them in a new post, so we can find out what topics the world digs the most too :)

And so, without further adieux…

5. Cosmic Connections

This one really came through me at an important time, a time of some great personal transformation and growth, including some new ideas and awareness about “what” a spirit science video could look like.

I had been putting music in the background of the videos for a while, and I had experimented only briefly with using other youtube videos (other than my own cartoons) in the videos… but in this video, I feel as though I hit a beautiful peak where the video, animation, and music all synced up together and expressed an important message about connection and community… That’s really what it’s all about :)

4. The Keys of our Past

Keys of our Past was one of the earliest videos that was made, and it covered some real ground in looking at our ancient past. In fact, the first video looking at our ancient past, which was really a HUGE setup for the Human History Movie (another of my favorites ;). The precession of the Equinox, our connection to Sirius, and the ancient monuments which lay dormant across the surface of our planet… It’s not stuff you typically hear about, and this video bangs out 3 HUGE topics in no time flat!

3. The Sacred Geometry Movie

Given that this is a top 5 list, there was no way I could pick just ONE Sacred Geometry video…so fortunately, I can cheat a little bit. This is a video compilation of all of the sacred geometry videos that star Patchman, and I think it turned out pretty well :)

2. The Human History Movie

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Obviously, the Human History Movie has GOT to be on this list. This is the one that pretty much everyone has seen… or at least, the one that everyone says they are introduced to spirit science through. That may not be 100% accurate, but there is some truth there. This video is quite literally insane, in some of the best ways possible!

What’s crazy is that this was never intended to be a movie! The Human History Movie was originally a 5 part episode (Episode 12) which was then later on edited together by my dear friend Andrew Golden, who made some wicked magic with his mad video editing skillz. Without him, I’m not sure I would have thought to make it a movie, and its because of his love that this video has done as well as it has. Accumulatively, this video has probably over 10 Million views on Youtube. Many people have uploaded and reshared it, and the Spirit Science Official Version actually doesn’t have nearly the amount of views as the other ones. It’s really not a huge problem, that tidbit is really just interesting to me.

1. Power of the Heart

Coming in at number 1 is the Power of the Heart. This whole video was based on a PDF that I downloaded from the Institute of heartmath website, where they described in essence the power of the Heart, the hearts energy field, the Toroidal Field, and all of that stuff. It’s because of this video that paved the way for some later ones such as Singularities and Toroidal Flow. And on top of that, this video was simply just made with a ton of love :) Just watch it, you’ll see what i’m talking about.

What are you favorite Spirit Science videos? List them in the comments and we’ll poll them up!

Massive Ocean discovered towards the Earths Core!

A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding may explain where Earth’s seas came from, and lend some interesting evidence to the Hollow Earth Theory.

The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies 700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock between Earth’s surface and its core.  The huge size of the reservoir throws new light on the origin of Earth’s water. Many geologists think water arrived in comets as they struck the planet, but the new discovery supports an alternative idea that the oceans gradually oozed out of the interior of the early Earth.

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4 Ways to Heal your Body using Crystals

lasercrystalNow that we’ve made a post about all of the different types of crystals there are available, I thought it might be a good opportunity to talk about what we can use them for. Obviously, Crystals have many practical applications in the mainstream world. Did you know that all of our Computer Technology is based off of the core Element that Crystals are? Fyi – It’s Silicon, and that’s just the tip of the iceburg.

So besides massive amount of Data Storage and Computing Technology, Crystals also can have an effect on your body too. It’s all about finding out which crystal is best for any particular scenario… and sometimes the easiest way to do that is just load on a whole bunch of them.

Consider Crystals like Materia from FF7…. But now i’m getting off the main point. :P Here are 4 ways that you can use Crystals to facilitate healing in your body.

Before we begin, let me share with you this prerequisite to using any and all of your crystals: Let them sit in the sun for several hours before you use them, this will charge them with the life-bearing energy of the sun, and it can be fuelled through the crystals into you.

Now that your crystals are all charged, we can do the following :)

1. Keep them Close

necklaceI know, I know, this is by far the most simple thing to do. Literally, just having the crystal on you is a charged piece of earth which will give you energy throughout the day. You can wear it on a bracelet, a necklace, a belt buckle, or even just put it in your pocket.

Of course, if you really wanna go deep, do a Crystal Meditation. Lay a bunch of Crystals on your body as seen in the feature image above, and just lay down and relax for half an hour or so. You’ll feel fantastic afterwards :)

2. Make SpiritWater

sscrystalthingSpirit Water is the name I use for water that has had crystals sitting in it for an extended period of time. Allow a pitcher of water to soak with some crystals in it throughout the night, or even just for an hour or two before you drink it. The crystals will create an energetic infusion with the Water and the structure of the water will align energetically to the vibration of the Crystals. Honestly, you’ll never feel the need to drink Coffee again, Spirit Water feels so good to drink! Continue reading

38 Awesome Crystals for Spiritual Growth

Crystals have always been rather appealing to me. There is something special about what they are, what they represent. They are more concentrated than regular rocks, they have more crystalline geometric patterns in their atomic structure than the cells in the human body do (sure, it may not be as fluid and moving, but that’s yin and yang for you)

On my journey, I came across an old dusty book about crystals with a little piece of paper slipped inside. It was old and tattery, and hardly readable. But on this paper was a list of 38 crystals that you could find relatively easily that had unique properties… What do I mean by properties?


This is an X-Ray of the Atomic Structure of a Beryl Crystal

Crystals operate much like a magnet, but think about it in relationship to energy beyond the 3rd dimension. If you’re looking at it in 3D, obviously it’s pretty much just a rock. If you look at it through a higher dimensional lens however… you start seeing something unique.

You see waves, pushing and pulling on the energy all around it. Some crystals push on higher frequencies, such as Selenite or Amethyst, where as others push on lower frequencies, such as Garnet or Tourmaline. The difference between the vibrations that i’m describing when I say “Higher” or “Lower” is in relationship to how they affect us. Many crystals are very “Grounding”, Root Chakra levels, and help us calm down into 3D. Other Crystals however stimulate the brain, mental clarity, and “higher” frequencies of the mind.

All of the vibrations of these crystals are important, and sometimes the crystal you think you need the least, is the one you need the most ;) Continue reading