Welcome to the Spirit Side Chats

The intention for this chat is for Seekers of any kind, Spiritual, Atheist, Religious, or even Agnostic to come together in a space of peace, honest, open conversation, and talk about anything! Lets be open, lets be loving, and lets be kind.

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Thank you!

– Ray, Joshua & Team Spirit


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    Check these instructions (good question, someone write it up and tell one of the ops in the chat and we will put it here.
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969 thoughts on “Welcome to the Spirit Side Chats”

  1. Its as simple as saying”I CAN”!…….global peace has already begun. I believe we were all given an awakening……an enlightenment of sorts. With a little voice that asks us constantly why we are still living in our old minds and ways. Doing things that no longer serve us. Addictions and baggage. Just halting and in the moment, questiong ourselves, is all the difference in the world. When we say we “cant”, or do something negative, we create a false reality that no longer has its own path and direction. This change came with the grand awakening. When you say ” i can”, in positive forward motion , new possibilities occur. Its just common sense. My journey began long before the awakening occured so i understand completely where spirit science is coming from ☺. Plz everyone here, stay positive and work together.
    Namaste always.

  2. Hello!

    With the help of scientists, engineers, shamans, energy healers, and light works around the world I am producing a documentary film examining the intersection of modern scientific development and ancient wisdom traditions regarding consciousness/higher states of consciousness/shifts in consciousness/enlightenment/etc

    still in pre-production – will be releasing more content soon

    Our collective mission is fundamentally to raise awareness about our inherent potentials for well being, love, perception, and capability through the film.

    If you’d like to learn more feel free to follow us on our social media accounts. we’ve just gotten started!

    With love,

    KC & The Seeker’s Journey Film Team


    1. how can you tell people that i see demons lost soles and other creatures i hear both sides light and dark but i work for the light in secret my children have the same gifts and so do my grandchildren.we have a priest that makes holywater for us and there are often to many demons to fight of spend a week in my home or my daughters you will see and feel and hear but thet could physicaly hurt others we have found ways to protect ourselves but what do we do about the ones that pose as humans they bleed but if we kill them in gods eyes we can but not in the goverments eyes people need to be aware of what lives in the real world,to many are starting to show them selves to people that are not gifted and to many people were i live go missing i live in tasmania,thats one pace that has many secrets

    2. Iam spiritual person and a psychiatrist.From my understanding from Buddhas and oshos work and comparing with Freud’s and Carl Jung’s work as a psychiatrist about what he talked as libidinal energy being the source of mental skills, I came to conclusion that KUNDALINI or PRANIC ENERGY is the OM energy that all scriptures described as being the root of all creation through five elements or PANCHABHUTAS earth, water, fire, air and ether. Human body formed from five elements according to BHAGAWADGITA or vedas, is under the control of this pranic energy that is also the cause for sensory pleasures. This Tao energy is wrongly interpreted by Freud as pure libidinal energy causing sensory pleasures through body and as the cause for formation for EGO. Rather it is YIN AND YANG ENERGY in balance which is balance of ONENESS love energy and Body pleasures in balance that creates a sufferingless ego and male and female genders accordingly. This is BUDDHAS AND OSHO RAJANEESH understanding. Hope this information helps for ur movie so that many people would work towards being Buddhas.

    3. Iam spiritual person and a psychiatrist.From my understanding from Buddhas and oshos work and comparing with Freud’s and Carl Jung’s work as a psychiatrist about what he talked as libidinal energy being the source of mental skills, I came to conclusion that KUNDALINI or PRANIC ENERGY is the OM energy that all scriptures described as being the root of all creation through five elements or PANCHABHUTAS earth, water, fire, air and ether. Human body formed from five elements according to BHAGAWADGITA or vedas, is under the control of this pranic energy that is also the cause for sensory pleasures. This Tao energy is wrongly interpreted by Freud as pure libidinal energy causing sensory pleasures through body and as the cause for formation for EGO. Rather it is YIN AND YANG ENERGY in balance which is balance of ONENESS love energy and Body pleasures in balance that creates a sufferingless ego and male and female genders accordingly. This is BUDDHAS AND OSHO RAJANEESH understanding. Hope this information helps for ur movie so that many people would work towards being Buddhas.(u can mail if u like to communicate. Thanks)

    4. Hope one day Science understands it is from OM Energy otherwise called PRANIC ENERGY or KUNDALINI ENERGY the Five elements and all existence formed in which human body is a product of these five elements. So What Freud misinterpreted the Kundalini/pranic energy as sense pleasure causing energy or LIBIDINAL ENERGY alone, neglecting LAW OF KARMA AND ONENESS existing in Nature, is the cause of not balancing material with spiritual to achieve both Buddhahood and material wellbeing too. Hope this can be understood as soon as possible as Osho, a Buddha predicts the future of ZORBA AND THE BUDDHAS both together.

  3. to all the mods and admins on here: I’m sorry for being an annoying user. I didn’t mean to annoy anyone…especially those who are in charge of the chat. I hope you accept my apology. Thanks!

    1. Don’t be sorry. They’re bad people. Straight up. All of them. That’s why they’re mods here in the first place.

  4. I’m new to this stuff, but I’ll give it a go. One thing that might be a problem, is I say it how it is!! I don’t care about threats, legalities, the amount of power anyone has, their status or their bank balance. I start from the very top, leaders and royalty right down to your criminal gangs. I give the truth on the lies, corruption, evil, inhumane, criminal, terrorist operations of all of the above who work closely together. Can you please inform me if the truth is tolerated on this site before I waste my time. My email has been ransacked and disabled, but a text reply would be appreciated if possible. +61401378765. Thanks Shane.

  5. I enjoyed my time here. Hanging out with the friendly community and everything…until I got banned. I’m sorry for whatever i did to get banned. Anyways, thanks for letting me be here for the length of time I was here. I enjoyed hanging out with everyone. I’ll miss you all. Thanks for everything.

  6. Hey lovelies :) Not sure if this message went through but -namaste-
    I haven’t chatted in months and signed on to see what kind of inspiring conversations were being had and I received a message saying I was banned? Is this a computer glitch? I hope it gets remedied soon. I miss you guys. Have a peaceful day! <3

  7. Hey there lovelies :) -Namaste – I haven’t been in this chat for months and wanted to say hello to everyone. I got a message saying I’ve been banned? That’s interesting.. is it some kind of computer glitch?
    I can’t see as to why this would happen. Anyway, I hope it gets fixed asap. Miss the talk & people.
    Have a peaceful day <3

  8. For the short time I was here, I learned a lot of stuff. I enjoyed being a part of this community and just wanted to say that. I have started watching the Spirit Science videos and find them very interesting, Thanks SS for everything and allowing me to be a part of your community

  9. Is it possible to overdo it, we all have a shadow, a dark side, full of compassion, creativity, originality. Chasing the light or becoming such just embraces a half of the duality. Be positive and happy to attract that which you want. But be real, you havesuffered and the wounds leave scars that make you who you are, your originality lays in all of that meaning origin, wounds, fears, tears, hopes dreams talents gifts, your friends and family that influenced you. All of this before you beame the light, be Jenny from the block, not new and improved 2.0, i am not certain that is a thing, or you are forgetting a piece of yourself. This evolution feels as exteme and hyped from the sites that push it as it is meant to be positive and light. The other side of the spectrum is being denied, and i am of the opinion if it is pushed away, and we evolve in our light without looking in the shadows, or feel that we need to shed this side of our nature. Then inevitably this half of reality will come back around once we think we are in the clear. Imagine “oh we have evolved, light and spiritual are we” until the shadows begin to stir and what assaults our new found sensibilities becomes a focul point for our hatred, until we are sure something is out to get us, and as we get closer to our new “enemy” we find a mirror, full of our darkest thoughts, memories, our past being pushed away, we look confused to see our own face. Some may accept what this means, others, egged on by the collective opinion of right and wrong, may shatter the mirror causing further harm and unrest. Step into the light, see yourself clearly, rest up recharge, but please go back into the dark. The rest is for your interpretation

  10. Hello Spirit Science Team and Community…I absolutely LOVE all the series and the great information you are providing to us to open up our eyes and our hearts! I’m grateful for all your hard work! Please keep them coming. We are working with our community and our tribe to continue to pass the information and resources on to as many people who want to listen. We are advocates and believe we can make a change in the world if we work together. One area I would love to see explored in your series is our food system.

    About 2.5 years ago, my husband and I watched a documentary called “Genetic Roulette” that changed our lives. Without getting into too much detail, I was having some health issues and we started asking questions about where our food came from. What we learned was shocking and terrifying so our journey began. We always thought we were eating healthy but we were certainly wrong. We made a complete 180 degree change in our lifestyle and we’ve never felt better or looked back!!!

    We now eat a strict all organic, non-gmo, gluten free, dairy free and mostly vegetarian diet. Food was the initial step but we’ve moved onto switching all of our cleaning products, toiletries (soaps, shampoos, deodorant, makeup, nail polish, lotions, etc, all of it!) and most recently our water (installed a water filter with softener for our entire home and a reverse osmosis system for our drinking water). The spirit science episode on Water was amazing…we’re doing the recommendations you gave us! :) Thank you.

    I’d love the Spirit Science team to explore these topics of our food supply and encourage others to ask the same questions. What exactly is a genetically modified organism? How has our agriculture system changed in the last couple of decades? I’ve seen food mentioned in a few of the videos but not in detail…I think it’s important! Our current government and corporations don’t want us to know how the food gets to our tables and into our bodies, why is that?

    Some people may say and think that an all organic diet is expensive but it sure is less expensive than medical bills or prescription drugs. On the other hand, and you’ll see this being mentioned in Genetic Roulette, we look at it as voting with our dollars. Supporting local and organic farmers will in return raise the demand, and with more demand, the prices will go down. This is simple economics.

    Our goal is to encourage everyone to start asking questions and demanding the answers from our government and the large corporations. Together, we can make a change!

    Thank you and sending love and light!
    Namaste ~ Turkish Delight :)

  11. I was thinking of something before I got out of bed this morning, and I’ve been thinking about it for a while now. What are we? Who are we, exactly? The thing is, even with something as personal and sacred as the soul, we still say “my soul” in exactly the same manner as we would say “my arm” or “my dog”, as if it were a possession. Well then, who is “my”? The one making the claim to soul, arm, dog, and everything else, naturally, but then, is the one making the claim the real us? “My” is a very passive and distancing word, I feel, creating a gap between the one making the claim and the thing which is being claimed. Who is “my”? Who is “me”? Not the best grammar in the world there, but I hope my point is understood. There is the ego, but that’s only a sense of self rather than the actual self. What is the self? What are we? Who are we? If we are not even our souls, is there anything that is truly “us”? I’m just wondering if there is anyone who could help me out here.

    1. Pretty cool, I’ve been thinking about this a lot, also- especially lately. Recently I have been reminding “my” self that I am a soul.. Always hearing this now, always reminding myself.. which sort of gives me the ability to slip into a different mode- of only being. I am a soul, I am that I am. I am here and now, always.

  12. Hello Jordan and everyone else here !!

    My name is Juan Galvis and to start off, I wanna take the time to thank you for everything you have done up to this point. My whole life, I’ve know there was something more…something wrong, and I’ve believed in all of the things you and your community talk about. Ever since I ran into Spirit Science a couple weeks ago, all those thoughts I’ve had my ENTIRE life finally clicked together. Seeing them in a physical reality and not just my mental one gave them life. It gave ME life. Thanks to you, I have decided to dedicate my entire life to showing the world the bigger picture. I’ve always felt inside that I have a BIG purpose in the world just like we all do and I want to help not just me, but EVERYONE to fulfill it. This purpose is now clear to me and I believe in pretty much everything you have to say. Me and my fiancé both feel this way and we know we can bring huge things to the table. We are starting to follow many of the things you teach about the chakras, crystals, meditation, LOVE, energy….everything. We have even managed to enlighten our families and friends a bit by sharing this knowledge. We understand that the Earth is sick, with a type of cancer that only us humans can be the cure of. We know that GOD is everything and that the Earth hurting directly hurts GOD. We are in a sense the heart of GOD. The center of his toroidal field. Somehow, we would love to be a part of your community and help in any and every way that we can. I know you will receive us with open arms because you understand the snowball effect. TOGETHER we can be the CURE to the disease of the Earth and we can become ONE as a species. I’d love to get in touch with you so we could learn more about and from each other as well as all those others out there who are or want to be a part of this.

    With lot’s of LOVE,

    Juan Galvis :)

  13. I’m 13 1/2 and I haven’t had a very abrupt awakening or anything. When i was younger around 5-7 i would astral project in my dreams (usually night mares) i still do but a lot less. I have a broad range of psychic and empath abilities but all need time and dedication to master and evolve. anyway what i really want to know is has anyone had a dream like mine. where give or take 5-20 people were giving a task to guard something/someone and their company in a jail. expect someone betrayed us and let them out. i was 7 and scared out of my mind at the utter dread of what was to happen. the jail door creaked open and i was rooted to the spot as this old witch stared at me. she grinned and vanished. this next part sounds ridiculous but i guess i either had a very active imagination or somehing happened. but her ninjas i guess not human just shadows billions of them jumped of the roof of the jail and poured into the city below. i shook my self awake since i knew something was going to happen. but just wondering if anyone else had a similar dream or anything since im sure it wasnt just me.

    1. Shared dreams are real phenomena, I have mission dreams sometimes when there are teams with objectives.it sounds like you are a very special person you should try looking at the clouds and working on your breath meditation,”if you can brief with the clouds”you are doing well.you are at the age where you will possibly begin to lose any abilities that you have harboured from earlier times in your life.it might be wise to transmute any of your unstable energies into a more Stablepractice , water magic is on the rise, aka wind and weather,,,peace and nature…

      Dreams are peculiar try to remember some of them need to be taken with a pinch of salt,
      Peace, do well at school kid

  14. I have been studying all the haters of spirit science. It almost damages me to bear witness to the level of negativity these lost souls project. But experience has taught me that I cannot just view information that only speaks to my affirmations.. I want the full picture by digesting information from both sides. (If there is such a thing) So if anyone could be so kind as to grant me a green light I would love to kick off a discussion. I believe their rejection has something to do with the compartmentalization of their brain. Or maybe their inability to see spirit or the soul as something else other than a fairytale. If anyone can collaborate with me I would be most pleased..


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